Writing as problem-solving
Please check your student email for a message from me that contains alternative access to all of the materials for this class (except for the gradebook). I'm prepared for technology tribulations, and you can be too. It's much less stressful if you have a backup plan, believe me!
This class presents you with a series of writing problems, and the only way to solve them is by writing. Listening to someone lecturing or talking about writing or even reading the best books about writing might help you solve these writing problems, so that's why I provide fairly detailed assignment documents and why you have a handbook. But your own efforts at writing teach most effectively. Start the assignments early so you can identify the problem and have enough time to solve it.
The note-taking assignment presented two problems. Here's some follow-up information about the problems presented in that assignment and some examples of how various students tried to solve them. Look at the paragraph you submitted (you saved it, didn't you?) Did you recognize the organizational problem? How did you solve it?