Essay #1: Learning Styles
This first essay asks you to analyze your learning preferences using several inventories that are available on the web. Most of us have a preferred way to learn, although we may not have been aware of that preference. The inventories should help you look at your own preferences critically.
Teachers have preferred ways of presenting course content, and sometimes they aren't aware of those preferences either. In the classes you are currently taking, analyze your teachers' teaching styles or preferences.
Just as there is no right or wrong learning style, there is no right or wrong teaching style either. It's especially useful, however, to be able to size up a teaching style at the very beginning of the semester by looking at the course syllabus and class activities. Then you can adapt your learning strategies to make the best use of the teachers' styles in your classes. This essay will help you figure out how to do that. Useful, huh?
VIDEO: Use this link to access a video about learning styles. It is geared for elementary school teachers, but it presents information about learning styles in an interesting way.