Happy Thanksgiving!
Set aside a couple of minutes between turkey, reading the ads in this morning's newspaper and the football game to do a couple of small tasks related to this class.
First, I have posted the grades on the last essay on Time Analysis. Read my comments here. Grades are inching up slowly! Get your sub-set scores from the email message I sent you and add them to your own Grade Analysis Worksheet. Then set a goal for this current essay. (The biggest weakness was in sentence precision and GUM, so promise yourself to leave enough time for proofreading.)
I have also posted a revised gradebook. If you want your grade to rise betweeen now and the end of the semester, you will have to change what you do.
I have posted some re-thinking and revising suggestions about this next essay on ethos and audience. Take a few minutes to review some syllabi (there are many of them on the web.) In fact, if you have already registered for your classes next semester, can you find a syllabus from one of your new teachers? Use the search function on GCC's web page and look for either the teacher's name or for the department. You may not find a syllabus for next semester yet, but you may see one from this semester. Or, ask other family members or friends if you can scan the introductions to their textbooks. The more examples you see, the easier this analysis will be!
And then take a short nap in preparation for either Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day. (No entries are required in the discussion group this week. However, if you have missed one or two entries in prior weeks, you can write this week, and I will count your entries.) I suggest you write about your Friday experiences. How much did your newspaper weigh this morning? What is the focus of the ads on TV today? What does your family think about Buy Nothing Day?